I've distrohopped a lot in my day. These are just the ones I used for a long period of time.
Yeah, I know. I fully installed and daily drove Manjaro for a bit more than a year. I used Gnome desktop manager with it and had minimal issues with the distrobition itself. My problems were all to do with the learning curve of linux itself. Now, Manjaro has had a few fuckies, and I didn't notice or care about any of them. In the end, a vital package didn't update correctly and I couldn't recover the system from the bootloader.
Nix was my next choice because I liked the idea of stability. NixOS is incredible, but also a clusterfuck. The documentation is ass. The Nix language is unintuitive very frustrating to use. For someone who knows the language, this distro may be perfect. But I'm a more of a technological traditionalist. I want something to do one thing, and do it well. In this way I align with the suckless philosophy.
Finally. A real distribution. At long last I used one of the 4 serious distros (that being arch, fedora, opensuse, and of course, debian). There are two main versions of Debian. That being stable, and unstable. My school laptop runs stable. I cannot have it out of commision for any period of time. My desktop, on the other hand, runs unstable.